Shout-Out from The Dad Batch Podcast!

Shout-Out from The Dad Batch Podcast!


We here at Scum & Villainy Acquisitions are super excited that owner/maker Mario got a shout-out from his favorite Star Wars-based podcast, The Dad Batch, regarding his personalized paint job of his Logitech Blue microphone--a fun and growing tradition started by the podcasters themselves. Check out the shout below!

Curious about what Mario did? Check it out!

Mario painted his Blue microphone with inspiration from Disney+ Star Wars characters Ahsoka Tano and her clone troopers, so the colors are orange, white, and blue with the recognizable Tano diamond shapes.

Professional streaming Blue microphone standing against a Scum and Villainy banner backdrop; it's painted white with blue angular striping on the front to represent clone troopers.Professional streaming Blue microphone standing against a Scum and Villainy banner backdrop; it's painted orange with white angular stripes that form a diamond shape to represent the markings of Ahsoka Tano.A close-up of the orange and white paint job.A close-up of the blue and white paint job.
Not to leave a paint job looking new for anything in the rugged Star Wars universe, he then weathered the paint with a black wash to help it attain a more aged and well-used look. We think it came out looking pretty great but we're just happy it came out worthy of a mention! What do you think? Drop us a comment and don't forget to catch the whole episode (and more!) of The Dad Batch podcast!
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