Trusted Affiliates

It's true, although we acquire skills and trinkets quickly we won't always have the droids you're looking for. However, what we may lack in inventory we assure you we more than make up for in affilitiations: in other words, we have your cosplay solutions be it via referral or custom request enabled by the amazing skills of our fellow artisans.

  • Logo for Henry's Helmet Fans: A gray & lime green half of Boba Fett's helmet (the lower half in lime green & the upper half in gray) next to a stacked business name--Henry's Helmet Fans (w/

    Henry's Helmet Fans

    It can get hotter than noon-under-binary-suns in those helmets, but that doesn't mean you have to suffer the heat. Go to Henry's Helmet Fans for top-notch and super affordable fan inserts for your helmets to help you stay cool and comfortable during your cosplay/costume adventures!

    (IG): @henryshelmetfans

  • Galactic Armory -Licensed!

    We officially own a license agreement with Galactic Armory so any 3D file they own is a potential product we can make! If we haven't already acquired what you want, let us know if Galactic Armory has the blueprints for your cosplay needs and we can negotiate its creation.

    (IG): @galacticarmory

  • Mystery Makers

    Marko Makaj is another awesome 3D modeler whom we have an agreement with to cast his designs from Mystery Makers. His talent spans from 3D CAD modeling to sub-div and more.

    @mmmmystery (IG)